
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Indian voters in Bagan Pinang should support BN

Human Rights Party secretary-general P. Uthayakumar was asking Indian voters to abstain from voting in Bagan Pinang by-election.

Ironically, democracy is a system of government in which the actual governing is carried out by the people governed, or the power to do so is granted by them.

Voting is an important part of the formal democratic process and political and democratic right of the voters.

Obviously, not all Indian support Hindraf. Indian can no longer be denied their political and democratic right. In fact, they should have the right to freely choose their political status.

By abstain from voting in Bagan Pinang by-election; it’s just like putting Indian down and taking them out of practical politics.

The success Story of India in Malaysia under BN government is certainly quite undeniable.

There are so many successful Indian lawyers and doctors, professional as well as high ranking government servant in Malaysia, thus it's completely illogical that much Indian blames the government.

Undeniably, the BN government is taking very good care of Indian right. In April 1992, the BN government had offered 9 million Telekom shares to Maika Holdings Berhad, the investment arm of MIC. It was established in 1982 purportedly to enable Indian Malaysians to share in the country’s economy growth.

Unfortunately, in April 1992, it was discovered that Maika Holdings involved in a 9 million Telekom shares scandal.

It's no reason for Indian to get angry with BN. Shouldn’t MIC shoulder all the blame for the failure?

The question arises: How far should Indian be expected to follow P. Uthayakumar in abstain from voting in Bagan Pinang by-election?


Anonymous said...

makkal sakti........
makkal sakti?