
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Muslim NGOs protect churches

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib quoting Quranic verses to stress that Islam forbids Muslims from insulting other religions and the desecration of places of worship.

It was reported that the 15-member Coalition of Muslim NGOs against the Misuse of the term 'Allah' has set up a 60-strong team of volunteers to protect churches in the Klang Valley.

Among the groups making up the coalition that issued the statement condemned the torching of churches by “irresponsible parties” are Teras, Perkasa, PPIM, Macma, Batas, PPM, PUM, JIM, Darussyifa, PKPIM, IRRIMM, AMB, and Kimma.

The coalition said that it would help the police to “ensure the safety of the Christian community and to protect their places of worship”.

The arson attacks on three churches in the Klang Valley were condemned as “un-Islamic” by Islamic leaders and the 60-strong team of volunteers to protect churches in the Klang Valley could be beneficial and believed can greatly help to reduce religious tensions.


Anak Omak said...

Selamat Hari Jadi
Haram jadah betul si Khairy.
Dulu jual negeri
Terdedah sekongkol dgn Anwar BABI

Tak yah Setiakawan nak nafi
Utusan dah lapor maklumat SB
GAP bukti RPK dilindung Kali
Ajen Singapura dan pelindung Khairy

Sesiapa yang bersama dengan Khairy adalah pembelot agama, bangsa, dan tanahair!!!!!!

MK IV said...

jemputan program dialog bersama pemimpin,
sila emailkan nama penuh, no ic, nama blog dan no telefon ke dengan kadar segera untuk booking tempat duduk.