
Friday, May 27, 2011


波恩大学社会学系教授埃里希•威德(Erich Weede)在《法兰克福汇报》撰文,认为在今后20年, 人口老化将导致印度经济增长超过中国。


有保障的产权和独立司法,简称法治国,被视是良好经济发展制度前提。在原则上, 印度比中国更有优势,然而只是原则上而已。这两个国家都存在着顽固的腐败问题。印度法院在判决时缓慢,以至于有司法不作为之嫌。

发生即, 保护某些人不受法律追究。所以,印度的新闻自由只是一个潜在的优势。对于滥用权力,印度虽然可以比中国更自由地公开讨论,但印度的政治和行政并未因此更廉洁。



在邓小平及其继任者领导下,中国自1979年以来经历了一个经济奇迹。 在独裁体制中,一切都取决于领导人的质量。在毛泽东领导下,中国人度过一段可怕的时光,自邓小平以来,中国的政府在经济政策上运气好些。领导人在经济上有能力,不再耽于乌托邦,但中国的一连串好运还能持续多久呢?


中国人像老化的欧洲和日本一样, 富有之前,就已经老矣。由于男女比例失衡,老化问题更激化,大约8000万中国男子将找不到伴侣。 中国的产权如此不可靠,持续的高速经济增长令人惊异。或许争取投资竞争迫使中国地方政府和省政府以行动表明,似乎他们愿意尊重生产资本的私人占有。但这就可以解释中国的经济增长和没有产权保障之间的矛盾了吗?


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hishammuddin to meet chief editors of newspapers on reporting sensitive issues

Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein plans to meet chief editors of newspapers on the reporting of sensitive issues.

He said he wanted to ensure that the chief editors exercised caution in the reporting of sensitive issues on race and religion and that they understood they would be held responsible for their action.

Commenting on a report published in Utusan Malaysia recently alleging that certain groups wanted to make Christianity the official religion, Hishammuddin said:

"There are times when the Malay community were unhappy with the reporting of the Chinese newspapers (on sensitive issues) and vice versa.

"It is the responsibility of the chief editors to ensure that their organisations do not go beyond the boundaries set in reporting such issues," he told reporters after opening the Sungai Besar Umno division delegates meeting near Sabak Bernam.

Despite the clarity of the country's publishing laws and guidelines, he said, "every paper has crossed the line (in reporting sensitive issues) one time or another. Now it's Utusan (which has crossed the line)."

Hishammuddin said that it was difficult to control the flow of information on sensitive issues, especially with the emergence of the new media.

"If it (the information) does not make it to the mainstream papers, it will somehow or rather get to the new media like online news portals, Facebook and the short messaging service," he said.